Bobby & Kandis Taylor's First Born

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Morning Sickness

This morning was the first time Kandis said that she was feeling a little nauseous. (An obvious sympton of morning sickness.) I couldn't believe it. I told her not to think about it. I said that she only started to think about morning sickness after seeing the baby. I think it took that to make it totally official, but morning sickness makes it "officially official". I want Kandis to have a wonderful pregnancy, and I would hate to see her in any type of discomfort. But I know that morning sicknes is real and I'm prepared for it.

I pray that she doesn't experience that part of it. This is such a special time in both of our lives.

In fact, I feel myself going through "pregnancy symptoms". For example, Kandis sleeps a lot and now I find myself sleeping when she does. And my eating habits... let's just say I am gaining weight too. What's good for me however is "Prayer and Fasting" month in February. So I have to give up a meal (or two) each day.

I love what God has done for us.

The Theme: Classic Pooh

Our first child will experience life in 100 Acres Woods with the Classic Pooh themed room and accessories. We already have a great start as you can tell by the bed covered items. From books to picture frames to rugs to blankets, our child will become Christopher Robin.

And the room is already painted soft buttercup yellow. And Kandis hasn't had her baby shower yet. (whew!)

I can't image what the room will look like...

Friday, January 13, 2006

Announcement Day Reactions

Here are the reactions to our Christmas Day Announcements . . .

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Heartbeat!

Today was a great day. The first sight of our baby inside the womb. God is great! I tried to keep my composure, but to little success. When the nurse let us hear the heartbeat, I went from Kool Katt to Giddy Boy! My first reaction was to yell out "I Hear It". I stood up and the rest began a high that lasted until... well I'm still high. Not only could we hear the heartbeat, but we could see the baby's heart beating on the screen. It was truly a miracle. And yes, I cried a little bit. (O.K., a lot). But Kandis said that it was alright.

After the Clinic visit, we were treated to a heavy dose of reality from the McDonald's drive thru employees. Apparently I did not order fast enough and she promptly asked, "What is yo drank?" to complete my combo meal. I added that because that became the joke of the day for me and Kandis.

And what a day it was...