Bobby & Kandis Taylor's First Born

Monday, July 03, 2006

Out of Order

This entry is way out of order. The blog entry about starting Lamaze classes should be before this. The entry about New Daddy Boot Camp should be before this entry. In fact a few weeks of very eventful things have occurred that should be entered before this one.

But like I said this entry is out of order.

I have been heavily involved in the planning of our baby shower. In fact, I told Kandis that she should not be involved at all with the planning of the shower. I want her to enjoy the day. Plus, I feel more comfortable about knowing everything that’s going on so I can offer any help where it’s needed. I want everyone to have a great time. But it’s more than that. It’s more than having a great time, and that’s why this entry is out of order. The shower is not until the end of the month, but I feel a great need to write about it now. This shower is more than just a shower. This is a celebration of God’s faithfulness, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and miraculous works in our lives. For years, I did not feel worthy enough to even ask for a child because of the lifestyle I lived. And to know that God is still with me and working in miracles in my life is a great thing. Recently I’ve been reading about David and how he celebrated with dance and sacrifice when bring the Ark of the Covenant to the City of David.

The story is very similar to how I feel right now. And it goes beyond the dancing of David, that’s just part of the story. Before the Ark arrived, David knew that the presence of God was in the Ark and he decided to put the Ark on a new cart to show reverence to God’s presence. The story clearly shows that God is not interested in that. In fact, after the death of Uzzah who touched the Ark when it was beginning to fall off of the cart, David was saddened and fearful. I believe that David also felt this way because he knew that God was displeased with him. David then decided to wait for God to show His presence again. And once David received word that members of the household that kept the Ark were being blessed, David knew that God had forgiven and began to perform miracles again. David then followed the old law of handing the Ark and brought the Ark into the city with joy, singing, music, and dance! They also ate and drank and had a great time celebrating the presence of the Lord. The Ark of the Covenant was with them!
And that’s how I look at this shower. This is a celebration of God being with us. Kandis’ belly is like the Ark of the Covenant for us. It’s God fulfilling his promise to us as we fulfill our promise to Him. I want this event to reflect the greatness of God’s presence in our lives. How he is blessing us, living with us, living in us, and being faithful to us. This is no ordinary event. I want everyone to know that this baby will not be handled lightly. We will follow God’s law in raising our child. We will not take this blessing for granted. This shower will include music, dancing, singing, testifying, good food and drink, all to the glory of God.

This is not about me or Kandis. It’s not about any “new cart” that we can purchase. It’s about giving God the glory. It’s about saying, “Thank you God for your presence, your grace, your mercy, and for your covenant.” And now that the spirit of the Lord has come into my heart, I will dance like David danced.

And I don’t care if people think it’s out of order!


  • Okay I will admit that I haven't been on the blog in a while but I think it is so exciting to catch up on things such as the baby's room and the adventures of going to gift registry. I will share a little secret with ya...You guys make me want to have another baby right now!!!! LOL! But we won't tell Courtney that. I am so excited for you guys. It couldn't have happened to anyone better. Hey Kandis here's a thought. I know you are watching your sugars and carbs and that sweet tooth can be out of control, try Frozen yogurt it tastes alot better that the sugar free ice cream, just a suggestion. Well you guy seem to be doing great! Talk to you later!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:33 AM  

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