Bobby & Kandis Taylor's First Born

Monday, February 27, 2006

Time Out is Out

Kandis and I had our first extended conversation about how we will discipline our child. She insisted on implementing a “Time Out” with our child for discipline. She said that “spankings” only shows the child that violence is a way of dealing with situations.

My argument: If it worked for me, it can work for our child. I received “spankings” and punishments and every other disciplinary action. But I must say that “Time Out” was not one of them. I explained to Kandis that I have seen the effects of “Time Out” on children and it’s not good.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to just start banging on my child. I believe that discipline should be done with love. I plan to explain why the discipline is occurring, exercise that discipline, and go from there. I don’t even know where “Time Out” came from. This technique was not around when I was growing up and I don’t think my parents would have gone for it anyway.

So “Time Out” is definitely “Out”. But you never know. I may need a “Time Out” from all of the “spankings”. Or our child may be soooooo good that we won’t need either one.
Yeah, right!!


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