Bobby & Kandis Taylor's First Born

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I Need Time

Today was the first day that I thought, “I’m glad that the baby will not be here for another seven months because I need that time to prepare.” So today I began preparing…and now my back is sore. Today I spent most of the day trying to get the house in order. Of course the “Men’s Den” will be the “Baby’s Den” (Not the same ring, huh?) and the office will be the new “Men’s Den”. But after weeks of talking about it, today I put rearranging the rooms into full action. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how you look at it) I began by tackling the garage. Since we have a two car garage and Kandis will need “a little” more space to get in and out of her car, I decided to make some extra room. This meant throwing out “a lot” of stuff, and organizing the rest. (Which was still “a lot” of stuff.)

Next the office…But since I work in a “multi-task” world, the task became the office, family room and den. Moving, shuffling, re-arranging, stuffing, and throwing out more stuff. And at the end of the day I finished… the family room. The office, I mean “Men’s Den”, is still a wreck and the “Baby’s Den” is worse. Why… because I tried to do everything in one day. And I have seven months.

In my haste I forgot to be patient. Now with a sore back, I’m forced to be patient. I should be stretched out on the bed with a heating pad and Tylenol, but instead I’m writing this journal and thinking to myself “I’m glad that the baby will not be here for another seven months because I need time to recuperate.”


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