Bobby & Kandis Taylor's First Born

Monday, February 06, 2006

My Child is Your Child

Today, I began thinking about what it means to raise a child. It’s truly a blessing to be able to teach and lead a child through life. But what makes the whole thing funny is that the baby is not even born yet and I am already overcome with joy and love for the child. I can just think about the baby and I begin to get happy. I really, really love my baby!

My mother used to tell me this story about how her mother would tell her that she loved me too much. My grandmother would say, “God is going to take that child away from you.” My grandmother’s statement turned out to be very astute, despite her possible vengeful intentions. God did take me. In fact, God chose me before I chose him. And His love allows me to love. So, because there’s a possibility that I may love my child too much, I would like to offer my child to God right now.

I would like to make this statement right now… “God, my child is Your child.” All that I ask is that You give me the knowledge and wisdom to raise Your child properly. And since this child is Your child, I know that You want the best for Your child. I ask that You protect your child. Bless Your child. I want to be there for Your child because I really love Your child.

But that’s why I’m giving my child to You.


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